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Clark & Associates CPA P.S.
Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
We specialize in working with small business owners, and we are well versed in the accounting and tax issues that can keep your business from providing optimal results. Since our experience is not just doing returns, there are many operational issues we can assist with to help you solve business problems, help make great decisions, and contribute to growing your business.
Remote Services & Appointments
Clark & Associates CPA was founded on the principals of honesty, authenticity and integrity, and to help business owners find solutions to everyday problems. We offer a variety of remote services designed to make running and operating your business easier while keeping you safe and healthy.
We are able to meet with you via video conferencing with Zoom. Zoom makes it easy to connect to a video conference.
In-person meetings available. To schedule, call us at 253-234-5732.
Online client portal for form downloads and document submission.
COVID-19 Tax Related Announcements
CARES Act Individual Stimulus Checks Update
President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, (CARES Act), a $2 trillion stimulus package to mitigate the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The CARES Act includes stimulus payments of $1,200 for each individual and $500 for...
Business and Personal Tax Returns
Rental Properties
Business Consulting
Why Do I Need An Accountant?
Having a CPA? on your team means you have one of the most well-rounded business professionals around, who can guide you through your toughest challenges, enhance your operational efficiency and analyze your business to help you plan for the future.
Tax Planning
Through business and personal financial planning and in collaboration your investment adviser we provide you with comfort that you’re on the right track and that come tax time, you know what to expect.
Many of our clients rely on us to get them going in the right direction and then either do the bookkeeping themselves or hand it over to their bookkeeping team to make sure things are being handled completely, accurately, and in such a way that they inform business decisions. If you need a good bookkeeper to handle all the detailed entries we can refer you to the right one for you.
Business Consulting
QuickBooks ProAdvisor
Why Do We Ask So Many Questions?
I find that the difference between me and the next CPA is the depth and perspective of questions we ask. When I leverage my decades of business and accounting experience and ask that one last question that opens up new opportunities, then that time is well spent. When working with me you can expect professionalism and integrity at every step. Our biggest goal is to earn your trust.
Stuff We’re Talking About Right Now
Are You a Victim of Tax Related Identity Theft?
Was a fraudulent return filed under your social security number? The IRS finally announced on November 3rd, 2015, a plan to allow you to get more information about what was included on that return. This sounds great on the surface, but you may not find what you seek,...
Best job ever?
I recently watched the movie Fury, a story about the crew of one army tank during World War II. Several times throughout, they collectively mutter the phrase Best Job Ever given the times when they say it, it's not what you'd expect to hear them say. What's genuine...
Boeing Pension Buyout – good or bad option?
According to news reports, Boeing sent a letter out to about 40,000 former employees, asking them if they would be willing to take their vested pension benefit as a lump sum payment, or monthly annuity in lieu of staying in the pension plan. Whether such an option is...